Our Story

How it all began…

Ever since I found my first shark tooth, I was hooked! The idea that this tooth came from an extinct shark that swam the seas millions of years ago, fascinated me. I had to learn more and share this knowledge with others. I even wrote a book! It’s available through Amazon in Canada & in the USA.

And that’s why I created Shark Generation! My dream is to spread awareness about these amazing creatures and to inspire others to want to help preserve sharks for many generations to come. Be a part of the Shark Generation!

Be a Part of the Shark Generation

Sharks aren’t just apex predators. They’re vital to a healthy eco-system in our oceans.Our oceans, in turn, are absolutely vital to the health of our planet. We want to educate this generation, and generations to come, on the importance of sharks, in the survival of planet Earth.

A portion of each sale goes to Shark and Ocean Conservation.